Online Privacy

Online Privacy


What are cookies?

Mention “cookies,” and most people expect a treat to appear. When talking about computers, however, cookies aren’t what’s on the dessert menu. In fact, they’re not even physical objects.
4 min read

Most popular in Online Privacy

Published: August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Published: August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Published: August 08, 2018 ·3 min read

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Software terms of service and privacy policies explained
If you’re like most people, you don’t read the Terms of Service when you get a new app or buy a new device. That’s a big mistake, because a lot of apps on the market that are less-than-ideal, known as “grayware,” count on you allowing them access to your information.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Straight talk about cyberstalking
Technology opens our lives up in ways that weren't possible even less than a decade ago.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Privacy vs. security: What’s the difference?
Privacy relates to any rights you have to control your personal information. Security refers to how your personal information is protected. Some people regard privacy and security as pretty much the same thing, but they aren’t the same, and knowing how they differ may help you to protect yourself in an increasingly connected world.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito
Incognito mode is private browsing that doesn’t leave as many tracks. It can erase temporary data that is captured by the PC or device you’re using. Deleting cookies is a great first step toward maintaining your privacy.
Published: December 20, 2022 ·4 min read

ID Theft

Session hijacking: What is a session hijacking and how does it work?
A session hijacking attack happens when an attacker takes over your internet session. A session hijacking attacker can then do anything you could do on the site. Here’s how to help protect against session hijacking.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·3 min read


The dos and don'ts of using public Wi-Fi
Public Wi-Fi is available just about everywhere, from the local coffee shop to the hotels and airports you visit while traveling. Wi-Fi has made our lives a little easier, but it also poses security risks.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
What is a man-in-the-middle attack?
A man-in-the-middle attack is like eavesdropping. When data is sent between a computer and a server, a cybercriminal can get in between and spy. A man-in-the-middle attack requires three players: the victim, the entity with which the victim is trying to communicate, and the “man in the middle” who’s intercepting the victim’s communications.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·2 min read

Kid's Safety

Cyber safety guide for college kids
College is a whole new world. Between the excitement of living on your own, meeting new, interesting people, and picking out classes you actually care about, there are some equally important things to consider while embracing your full-fledged independence.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Cyber safety guide for grade school kids
Help your grade school kid navigate the Internet safely with these online cyber security tips.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Cyber safety guide for middle school kids
The best way to fight cybercriminals is through education, and that can start at any age. Here are a few tips to help your middle school child explore the Internet freely.
Published: August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
10 Internet safety rules to help keep your family safe online
Children today can access more information than any generation before. Because of the Internet they now have a wealth of information that can enrich their lives in new and wondrous ways. But the...
Published: August 08, 2018 ·3 min read

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